About FCS

The Franklin County Board of Education is dedicated to using the hard earned resources of our county taxpayers in an efficient and effective manner when it comes to educating students and providing professional learning for teachers. They understand that the real goal must be to create life long learners that are always seeking wisdom, knowledge, and a better way to provide opportunities for growth in all populations. It is their desire to see students graduate with the skills and experiences necessary to excel in post secondary education and the world of work. Franklin County High School had a graduation rate of 89.2% in 2018. That accomplishment represents the second highest graduation rate in the history of the school.


Our teachers have spent the last year honing their skills with a new literacy process that is being used system wide for reading and writing instruction. The process allows students to experience reading and writing in all of the academic areas of study and helps students learn to think and respond to the information they have read. Industry representatives have long said that they need employees that are able to think critically and make changes or suggestions based on the data available. It is the desire of the Franklin County School System to meet that need to help build a viable workforce for local industry.


Our school system is blessed with wonderful educators and support staff that have a genuine concern for the future of our children and our community. We also have the support of the membership of the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce who are dedicated to workforce development and community growth opportunities.  We want to build PRIDE in our community by developing character, knowledge, and compassion in our students because we know they will become the community leadership for tomorrow.