SB 42/Dexter Mosley Act

During the 2021 legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly passed the SB 42/Dexter Mosley Act (O.C.G.A. § 20-2-319.6). This legislation authorizes home study students in grades 6-12 to participate in extracurricular and interscholastic activities in the student’s resident public school system. The law requires certain notification and course enrollment provisions.

Click here to view the Georgia Department of Education Guidance 

The following items MUST be completed at least 30 calendar days prior to the first day of school of the semester the home study student will be enrolling in Franklin County.

After completing the steps above, the parent will be contacted and given permission to complete the FCSS's online enrollment application. Information for registration can be found HERE.

No home school students should attend workouts, club meetings, or practices/competitions until they are fully registered.

SB 42/Dexter Mosley Act FAQs

The parent/guardian must read the items listed above, and must send an email to the school's principal indicating the intent to enroll a student with required documents (listed above under enrolling adult actions) attached. This must be completed at least 30 days PRIOR to the start of the semester. 

The home study student may choose to enroll in any qualifying course, unless the specified activity has a required course for all participants of the activity (for example, band). The home study student must complete all requirements for course enrollment. Click HERE to read more. 

Does my student have to attend in-person or is there a virtual option?

The student must enroll in a course currently offered as part of the school's course offerings. There are very few virtual options available. 

What happens if my student is not selected to particpate in the activity?

The student will be unenrolled from the course and the FCSS. 

is my student subject to all of the same rules and policies as a regular full-time student?

The student must adhere to all of the same policies for full-time students. This includes but is not limited to the attendance compact and the district's code of conduct. Both of these items will be provided and acknowledged as part of the online enrollment process. This also includes the eligibility requirements set forth by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). 

I have withdrawn my student within the last 12 months and completed a Homeschool declaration of intent with the GADOE. Is He or She eligible for participation?

No. Per SB 42, a student who withdraws from a public school to participate in a home study program shall be ineligible for participation in any activity for 12 months from the date of the home study Declaration of Intent submission to GaDOE. See Section 6 of the Eligibility Requirements found HERE

Can my student participate in workouts or tryouts before completing the requirements of the program?

No. The Dexter Mosley Act Declaration form must be submitted, along with all required documentation, and the student must be registered before he or she will be allowed to try out or participate.

If my student is not selected for participation, could the student continue in the enrolled course?

No. The student will be unenrolled for the school year. 

Yes. Dexter Mosley Act Declaration is specific to which sport/activity student wishes to participate. This process including the 30 day written notification must be completed again.